@lowgman1234 @zachv1 Hopefully maybe my opinion or mindset might change with the next year but all I want was the good old days of gaming with an awsome heartfelt story and the same feeling I got when I stormed the beach in medal of honor, shooting down the planes in the air in call of duty 2, or just to have another good story with amazing gamplay really if I can't have that same experience then what good would any of that do me! This heavy emphasis on internet connection worries me can't even enjoy a round of halo 2 anymore with my friends!
Wow! So this is it we gamers are sitting here arguing about the slightest in resolution difference on our system for certain video games you guys really are scraping the bottom of the barrel. I feel like am the only one here who really only cares about games for the gameplay and good story not graphics but then again I thought why get either platform NO PC, PS4, OR X1! What happened the games industry games just are not fun anymore it seems there is very little if any games that justify $60 worth of cash cause companies like activision, EA, ubisoft hell almost every developer spamming the consumer with DLC and other unwanted stuff for a profit or just running out of good ideas to justify a good game! Maybe am just getting old but this is the way I see the games market it just ruined itself and I don't want to be apart of it anymore *sigh* it was fun while it lasted maybe I'll replay the old halos on my 360!
Man yeah I agree halo 4 is probably the worst halo to date in the series the things that made me hate it were the Prometheans, the didact and the way they portray the forerunners in the open and tearing through all the mystery and lore about them in the universe, the portrayed relationship between master chief and cortana which went from a mother and daughter type relationship to oh cortana my virtual girlfriend, also the use of spartan ops where they reused mp maps and the game-play was repetitive with all armor unlocks looking the same, and burrowing other elements from other games. Halo 4 could have been alot better but it just wasn't a true a successor to one the greatest fps of all time halo 3, and halo 5 might be better but considering the fact they have less time to make the game and there is going to be a 5 and a 6 I've pretty much moved on 343 needs to either make a halo 2 remake or another halo featuring sgt johnson or open world that totally breaks the formula other than that I've moved on to destiny. Halo 1&2 were amazing, halo 3 was the best successor ever, odst gave us a whole other story with a new hero paving a new path, Reach thrust us into noble six showing us another story of beloved spartans, bungie paved the street for the halo franchise but it appears 343 still hasn't walked across it. Unless 343 makes another formula breaking halo other than 5 and 6 then it is nothing more than a cash cow franchise Microsoft is coming to use for the xbox one
Man I don't care so sick of all these guys hurdling insults at each system whatever guys just buy the system your want and STFU!!!!!! This is why am waiting out to enter next gen so I can jump the gun and just get the franchises I favor most dam!!!!!!! Fanboys go home X1 or not when I look at people arguing over a brick and a eraser it makes me not even want next gen $400 to $500 for games I could get for my current system no thanks nothing is wrong with my 360 so am out!
@BLaverockYes am a whiner cause I don't want to pay an extra $15 a month after my initial $60 dollar purchase for a game I might stop playing after a month just cause the company feels like they opened a money maker for themselves! Maybe if they offered a few months free other than that as a guy who likes the other elder scrolls I think I cancelled my pre-order for good reason.
@CHAINSAW305 Yeah Man! I agree I think DICE is really balance everything out with the classes, can't wait to see what this game is capable of in things beyond in terms of mp matches :d!
I remeber the first time playing halflife it blew my mind back then and still does today, the community was simply the best you can ask for, supporting it with endless awsome mods like sweet hallife which was almost valve quality. One of the aspects about halflife that I like was the fact it set itself different from others shooters by making putting obstacles in your way that you had to overcome in its vast universe. For hl3 I always thought valve would release episode 3 to continue the gordon freeman saga but, halflife 3 would be a prequel that had another character like shepard based somewhere in the time of the seven hour war but hey just an idea. So Half-life your amazingly spetacular world, well thought of enemies and gman would put you as one of the tops games in my book. It deserves a number 3 :D
Star Wars 1313 is bobafett which might make it bobafett related am expecting a prequel or sequel to star wars bounty but, battlefront 3 and republic commando 2 are still set high in are minds.....
zachv1's comments