I've been really thinking about this and I think i want an X-box 360
I mainly want a 360 for5 games and probably morethat are only for the X-box andaretruely awesome :P. They are...
Halo 3 -I'm a HUGE fan of the series,Halo and metroid Prime are my favourtie shooter games in the world :)
Halo Wars - I love these types of strategy games, what more the graphics look great :) and its in a great genre... HALO
The Darkness- My friend has it and I LOVE IT i think it has a really good feel about controlling darkness (i know its on the PS3 aswell but like I'm ever going to get one of those :P )
Naruto Rise of Ninja - This game looks AWESOME its a naruto 3D RPG who wouldn't like that and the graphics are great :D
Banjo - Kazooie (3) - Thanks GIRATINA667 for telling me about this game it looks great :D watch the trailer everyone link
I'll probably wait about a bit under a year until i get one, because I've got my DS and Wii to ammuse me for a LLOONNGGG time :P
So comment and tell me what you reckon !!!