MLB 2009 The Show
by zackmon on Comments
4/15/09 I just got MLB 2009 The Show Even though gamespot scored the game to be a 9.0, i was still very wary. 2k games are like, my thing so i almost bought Mlb 2k9. I made a GREAT choice. Rating The Show ___________________ Overall Rating: 9.7 I would rate MLB 2009 The Show to be a 9.7. The show is extremely addicting even though i currently suck at it (lol stupid new base-running controls) Road to the show is where you are a player of any position who gets drafted and plays their position for their career. The show keeps the road fun by simulating plays where the ball is not hit to you and when your teammate is batting. This is one of my favorite features, and you don't have to be the best player ever to field the ball. Graphics: 10/10 I can't really say much about the graphics except that they are phenomenal. Game Modes: 9/10 The game comes with some great modes such as franchise and road to the show. However, even though these are addicting and fun modes, the game doesn't really come with anything original. Gameplay: 9.5/10 Little cut-scenes , if you want to call them that, are short-and sweet with realistic motions such as maybe wiping dirt, or knocking dirt off of your cleats. I could sit here all day and blab on about how the teams are exactly correct, and stats are right on and other things, but you just need to know that it is fun. Gameplay Length: 10/10 A game varies from about 30 minutes to 1 hour and 45 minutes if you play it regularly. But, the game also comes with a version where you can skip little 30 second increments which does make the game a lot shorter if you are on the run. I have not played fastplay yet, so i can not go in depth of exactly how long it takes but it is very useful if you are in a hurry. This is teh end of meh little blog entry, so go out and buy MLB 2009 The Show, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it.