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zackwhosthat Blog

I needs to PLAY!

So...SSBB came out today...well yesterday since its now 1am...but thats not important!

the point is i was at a wedding...while one of my so called friends was at home playing brawl alllll the live long dayyy TIM u douchebag i hate u. I want to play too u jerk and u go and tell me on facebook how long uve been playing! I hope a fat man falls thru ur ceiling right onto ur wii and then keeps falling and lands on your computer...or ur mom or sumthing...whichevers worse for u...BWAHAH i just cursed u with falling fat men...thats the worst kind u know...

anyhoo ye i will get it as soon as possible then...then we shall see whats what and whoms soon as i have the munneeesss which i have REDICULOUSLY little of D: i dont understand where its all gone...

oh also im writing this in hopes that my lvl will go up so we can start that stupid union 8D

later douches and douchettes

...beware the falling fat man...