zaigham_riaz's comments

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Edited By zaigham_riaz

I'm quite sure most people on the negative side here have NOT experienced any games in 3D at all. 1) It's not like movies in the cinema 2) Consoles, at present, can NOT support real 3D without severely hurting the graphical quality. 3) On PC, 3D gaming right now, is a great experience. Once you go for it, you can never go back. vufor: You said people will get used to it after a few weeks and then won't be able to EXPERIENCE the difference? How wrong? So you mean, when the world shifted from black & white TVs to color TVs, and then from simple color TVs to high definition LCDs and plasmas, it is not anything special because people can't experience the difference? For the same reason, would you keep driving a bicycle all your life instead of driving a car? LOL! There is a saying "Once you go 3D, you can never return back to 2D gaming" and it is true.