I'm talking about the movie Waking Life. (2001)
Its about a man who is stuck inside his own mind.
The whole dream within a dream, but with a different premise.
Along the way to discovering the truth, he meets people (and sees people),
who have their own philosophies on life.
To some of you, you might not find it interesting
you might say "Ah that philosophy crap is pointless."
or: "I've already thought about that."
To others, it might be some-what enlightening.
The great thing about the movie,
is that - like philosophy in general-
it doesn't present questions and answers them;
it presents questions and has the viewer answer them,
while the characters answer with their own take on it.
Now rotoscoping, the technique used in the film, might turn you off.
Rotoscoping is filming in real life, and animating the film with
computers. I'll put a clip up so you can get an idea.
Enjoy the film (if you choose to watch it :P)