Hmm, played a couple of hours and I'm finding it pretty tedious so far. And I can already relate to this GS review. The stealth mechanics when dealing with the first humans I've come across are a mess. There's no way to tell if you can be seen or not when supposedly crouched behind cover. The total lack of any innovative gameplay during the downtime between alien/human contacts are disappointing . The graphics are just ok on the 360. I've just come across the alien for the first time and pretty disappointed that it looks much like the first alien film, ie a guy running around in a rubber suit. Was hoping it would look like the fantastic alien in the sequels.
Will give it another couple of hours but re-reading the GS review I'm not too optimistic that I'll be spending much more time with this game.
@Gigas_Yuu Hmm, I load up my 360, I press the green button on the pad and BF3 loads and off I go on to the battlefield. Tried Dishonoured and same thing happens, the game loads and off I go stealthing.
@TheTrueObelus Greed of the shareholders who now run most major game publishers. They don't care about such trivialities as integrity and loyalty to the fans who made the series successful in the first place.
@ooblah You can still have sex with a hooker, and then still beat her to death with a baseball bat afterwards, but because of the new animations and physics engine, it looks better than ever
Seems very reasonably priced to me. It's pretty much just over half a weeks take home pay in Australia compared to well over a weeks take home pay in the UK.
The only thing putting me off is the lack of must have launch day games, but I'll probably get one on launch day if Nintendo Land & ZombieU get some very good reviews
@FandomTheory Along with lots of enemies at once it would be cool if the different types of enemies would fight eachother like the original DOOMs, so you could sit back and watch the show :D
@Spartan_418 Agreed and don't forget the original Operation Flashpoint and like ggregd said Fear 1. Far Cry 2 also had pretty good AI, but they are very rare, at least in the types of games I played
Only a fool would compare the graphics quality in Sunshine to Galaxy, the advanced lighting and textures just could not be done on the Gamecube hardware Concerning the game i had a blast playing Sunshine but Galaxy hasn't grabbed me in the same way so far... but then i wasn't a big fan of Mario 64
zakrocz's comments