Mary moose was walking in the woods one day when she found a very special stick. "Oh my goodness!" she said "I must carry this to my moose colony so we can rejoice in the name of the Mighty Dead Moose". So the picked it up carefully with her teeth and ambled on. She walked deeper and deeper into the woods when, out of nowhere a N!NJA attacked and stole the veryspecialstick. Mary moose gasped as the N!NJA ran off into the brush. She ran after the N!NJA as fast as her skinny legs could carry her. Some of her bird friends came to join the chase. The N!NJA jumped clear over a river and onto the opposite bank. It turned and sutuck its tounge out at Mary and her bird friends. But the birds flew over the river and sat on the N!NJA's shoulders. the N!NJA dropped dead on the spot, because allN!NJAs are allergic to bird feathers. Mary moose grabbed the veryspecialstick and ran for her colony. When she got there, the colony's Elder Mooses identified the stick to be not special after all. Mary hung her head in shame. But the Elder Mooses were merciful. They knew that she had gone to great lengths to protect the not so special stick. So in return for her courage and endurance, Mary moose got free McDonalds for a year.
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