I'm gonna keep this one short, I'm quite busy on a project atm.
Nuclear Dawn
Okay I've been playing a bit of the new beta map on my favourite servers, it's much bigger than the other maps in the game and while it still has quite a few bugs, promises to be a good change of scenery. It's has lots of open area and makes it really good sniping map, and it's rather bright making it hard to keep the assaults thermal vision on and maintain a good idea of where you are, this is really good for the stealth players out there. As I said it does have a number of bugs and from what I've heard, the developers are also going to add a lot more capture points to it but hey this is what the beta's for.
I'm going to have to cut this short, sorry there's no music section this week I really haven't had much time. Maybe you could recommend some stuff to listen to.
I will post a like to something I though was rather cool though :)