Come in grab a drink and some snacks. We are here to celebrate the 365 weeks, 2557 days, or for those of you who still haven't looked over to the left and done the math the 7 years I've been a member here at GameSpot. Many of you will know me and many of you will have seen me around, but almost all of you wont know that I've actually been using GameSpot since the late 90s.
Over the last 7 years I've had lots of ups and downs. Ive been forced in and out of jobs due to the poor economic state. I've come to terms with my dyslexia and the depression it causes. I've travelled and seen many crazy thing, scary things and wondrous things. My tastes have changed a lot over these 7 years, I now eat meat, I dont just wear black anymore and I'm now more open minded with music. But over these years something hasn't changed, my love of gaming and my love for Gamespot, my go to gaming site.
Not to say that nothing has changed here at GameSpot, quite the opposite. Like the content it covers, the site has had many changes. Layouts and programs have come and gone. So have members and staff. Many of which I've joked with, argued with, and had a lot of fun with. Even with the changes I've always felt that my contribution was welcome and wanted as a member.
So I'd like to take this time to say thank you. Thank you the members I've had so much fun with. Thank you to the staff, the ones who are here now and the ones who have gone. A special thank you to my local team GameSpot UK. Finally a very special to the community managers and the moderators, who do so much work to make sure we the members are having a good time.
Here's to a great 7 years and hopefully another 7.