@Bond007uk: Hi there, we do moderate to remove offensive imagery that a user either posts or uploads as their avatar or as another profile image. Could you provide a link to the users profile so we can evaluate this claim. For privacy reasons you can message the moderation team directly Click here.
@c4lypso: Hi there, I am sorry to say that most of the moderators have a very limited knowledge base of the api and the developer forums for it are now closed for the time being. You can always try posting in the feedback forums, as some of the sites devs hang out there.
Other than that you can look over the documentation of the api here:
and more information like your api key are found here:
@freedomfighters: Hi here, I am sorry to hear that has happened. I have tried to fix it myself, but it seems the system has really gotten itself messed up.
I am going to move this over to the Bug Reporting & Feedback forum so a dev can have a look at it.
@Atomic1977: Hi there. If you link the account here I can remove it's content, however I can't completely remove the account as that has to be done by the user.
@kithron: Hi there. I am sorry to say that currently, there is no two-factor authentication. If this is a feature you would like to see added in the future, you could make a post over on the Bug Reporting & Feedback forum. The developers do take feedback for new features from that board.
@antwaincaleb: At the top of the page where you sign in, there is a link to a page called Submit a request. That page will let you create a ticket that will be sent to the staff on the community management team.
@antwaincaleb: If you have any issues with how the moderators are handling things on Comic Vine, you would need to talk to the community manager over there. You should be able to send messages to staff through their support site, found linked here: https://comicvinehelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us.
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