Top 5 GOTY 2014

This is a list of the top 5 games I played this year. Time for something completely different.

Rank Game Release Date GameSpot Score Zanelli's Score

Planetary Annihilation

If you didn't already know, I love RTS. This is the spiritual sequel to some of the best RTSs ever, and many years ago, GOTY right here at Gamespot. It's got problems, lots of them, but I love it for what it does. Not many games can come close to it's scale, and even less show as much promise for what it'll become as it matures.



Finally the game some of us have been waiting years to finally come out. A modern throw back to when in mmo's, players feared other players. This isn't a world you visit, this is a world you live and die in.

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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Yep blizzards casual card game has been eating up what little spare time I have had between games and work. It really took the MTG formula and tweaked it to make it a lot easier for new players to get into. Pure, simple, fun.


Star Trek Online

This is for Star Trek Online: Delta Rising, but this flew so far under the radar, it doesn't even have it's own page here on Gamespot. Much like Warlords of Draenor, this expansion brought a new level cap, new gear, a new story line, and new end game content. This really pulled me back into what is probably the best sci-fi mmo out there.


Men of War: Assault Squad 2

Yep, this one flew under the radar. It didn't get any official awards; it didn't even get a official review here at Gamespot. It's still my GOTY. Awesome multiplayer RTS action, with some of the best micro, and some of the best destruction ever to be put into a game like this. There's nothing quite like driving a tank into a church and watching as the sniper team inside is squished by the falling wreckage.

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