Check your temp for your graphics card, though i can't see why it would be overloaded by something like that. And if that doesn't work you may need to re-install the game if the card is newer than the game install. It sounds like one of those idiosyncrasies of those games.
Well it is very likely that your graphics card is going, but you should run any virus and spy ware programs you have then De-fragment your computer before you go spending the money on a new card. Plus don't just look at the Heat. Always check processor and memory usage. For some reason i've seen these cause graphics problems before. And still borrow a buddy's Graphics card before you buy a new one just to make sure its not a symptom of a larger problem, may just need a can of air to be used on it.
Personally if you're just gaming they're right you don't need an upgrade at all. Now if you multitask while gaming You might want to upgrade to a quad core or and i7 especially if you ever plan on getting into programing, but then again that would be a waste if you do anything online and have a crappy ISP or Spy ware/ virus protection, because your connection or hardware gets bogged down due to spy ware it won't matter how good your CPU is it still won't operate those games at max out put.
You might try changing back grounds and then going back to this one. For whatever reason any time vista updates it cause all sorts of problems similar to this. For instance every time vista updates my mom has to uninstall and reinstall her scanner. I've looked at it myself and its not just a simple PEBCAC (Problem Exists Between Computer And Chair) error. But with a mac who knows. May be an incompatibility issue with Vista and OS X. Or you might try loading up the image into Paint or Adobe Photo/ Fax reader or whatever its called on vista to make sure the line isn't just part of the image that you don't normally see.
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