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Harry Potter Depression

Well, it's been a few days and I guess I'm over the trauma that is HP and I can begin to live again. I was lucky on Friday in that I got the number two ticket which meant I got the second book after midnight. After a quick 2 am trip to IHOP with some friends, I drove home and commenced reading the great masterpiece literature of our time. I was done by seven in the morning and I had ran out of tears (or so I thought) by five. I have never sobbed so much at a book, (well maybe Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas) and I stalked around all day Saturday upset about the ending. NO NO NO NO NO!!!! I won't ruin the ending, but let's just say I've got issues with J.K. Rowling making us suffer two more years before we get some more answers. That thought alone just makes me cry. Oh weeelllll, I just have to say, "Zan, get over your Harry Potter depression, and go finish a quilt, you bum." So that's what I'm off to do. Adios!!