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zaphodb6x9 Blog

Been gone... wow how time passes

Well its almost been a year now since applying for jobs, (and since my last blog post =S ) and here i am in one of the cities i thought i'd never live, being payed just shy of what could be called defense money, which i thought i'd never do...AND surprise surprise, its not really bringing me happiness... Hmm... perhaps its time to rethink. I still can't complain too much though, since i am living comfortably, and have the ability to rethink and possibly even rearrange my life. That's more than a lot of people can say.

Anyhoo, dunno really why i'm making a blog cuz there arent too many people i would expect would even recognize me on here anymore, but what the hey. I still play games! Zelda, WoW, good ol gamecube games... hmm... can't life be considered a game?

Well, as the other dude in the lab was singing along to earlier at the top of his lungs, "gotta keep on truckin!" =P

Who needs a real job

The thesis is done! well it was done for a little while, but still. Now it's time to go play some DS! Hmm... final fantasy 3, Fire Emblem, Final fantasy tactics advance... (thanks to a good friend =) )... Ooh maybe i should get planet puzzle league! and Rayman DS!!! Ooh and for social play maybe I'll get a windows computer so i can play CoH! then i can get a Wii... then... huh what? money? crap.

Ok... well i do technically need a job. That hasn't stopped me from buying a DS ... and it probably won't stop me from getting some kind of mmorpg that i can run on a mac at the least... because i need something to do in the mean time while i'm trying to get a life again.

The big part of the story that happened recently is I moved back to my parents place in california to get a job. At the exact moment I'm kinda feeling like i'm not sure i love the west coast so much that I want to leave the good friends i've made in RI behind... but in the end i am probably going to move somewhere for a job soon right? Ugh... i hate uncertainty.

So for now, its game time! =D

I have a code.

No that doesn't mean i can cheat at a game, or that i have my own computer program, or that i have a special unique ethical montra that i live by... although i suppose all of those are true in their own way...
But no, for today i have a code... or more accurately i habe a code id my node.
Id sucks.
Ad lead i dod habe do do adyding oudide... bud sdill... Id like do ude my eyes for mor dan fifdeen minud ad a dime.
ok dime for a nap.


oh yeah about games... as of friday i am the semi happy owner of X-plane! well its sort of  a game... generally as far as i know its the only aircraft simulator that lets you design your own aircraft and uses the actual shape and parameters that you see on the screen as those that represent how the airplane acts! Its awesome!  I say semi happy because i still need to get a joystick to fly my creations with some relative ease. (keyboard inputs leave a lot to be desired when it comes to hair line maneuvering adjustments).


Oh yeah... that's what this site is about huh? well i've updated my collection finally. I've been playing DDRmax2, thanks to getting it for my birthday a couple months ago from my best friend =) It's now my main mode of exercise! I don't care how sad that sounds, It's new england and its cold outside! Also i don't care much for gyms. Not until their exercise equipment generates power from the exercise people do rather than taking energy... i mean it just makes sense!!! I digress... anyway DDR has also been my main gameplay recently as a consequence of it being my exercise and the fact that my thesis is overdue by my standards. I can't wait till i finish, get a job, and thus get money for a Wii! Hmm... ok time to look for a job maybe.

Time for a new post

Ok, its february already... time for a new blog post. Well, there's not much to say... Oooh I played Katamari Damacy! Subsequently i got obsessed with it and beat it in 3 days. Then i slowed down, but in the next week I made the moon big enough for the parents to come. it was fun. I had the song stuck in my head for the past couple weeks. Nanaaa nanananananaa na nanananananaaa! uh oh... quick some new music! hmm. Oooh i also discovered that Kamelot rocks! especially the Epic and Black Halo albums. Great great headbanging, dragon slaying, earh shattering kinda feel. Kinda like Death Clock without... all the death. its awesome. Power metal may be my new musical forray (how do you spell that?) anyway... So yeah, its february. Its cold here. My thesis still isn't done. Bleh. But i still somehow feel better than last semester. Well, i know the reasons for it. They're in two songs: "Closer to the heart" by Rush, and "Land of confusion" by Phil collins. Hmm... another song is needed to add to that... i'll get back to you on that.

Happy New Years

For the first time in my life, i believe i have a resolution for the new year. I have resolved to put more thought and effort into everyone around me. I have several reasons for this in my life in particular, but i have realized that this simple thing is what a lot of life boils down to. I know, it may seem a cliche to say so, and quite likely not a solution as seen by the scruitanous, skeptical, and complexly thoughtful mind which sees all (or at least some) of the facets of problems in the world. Well, here's another cliche to throw in the works: What do you see of the world when you look through your heart? I've found in my life so far that if i let myself see things through my heart, then to my brain, and do things outwardly from my heart, i can see incredibly beautiful things in people around me. It's as if it forms a prism through which beautiful colors shimmer from the light you tap into from them. The truth of this brilliance in people may only be seen through the heart, focussed from one person to one person. As you do, the focussed light etches something of them on to you. It can be beautiful and wonderful, opening up your eyes to all new worlds. Without care (either yours or the other persons) it can also be focussed into something blinding, burning, and painful, and something may be stolen or damaged of your own colors. So many in the world wish not to look into each other for fear of this pain. In fact I've been lucky enough in my life to have seen light from one source that is so incredible, that uppon focussing my heart to them i have seen mosaics of brilliance and intricacy beyond that of any of the great works of artists i have ever seen with my eyes. It's from sources like this that i know there is enough good in the world to make it a better place. By seeking a view point and presentation to others thats closer to the heart, i hope to do my part to make the world a better place. Well, that's not quite the entry i had in mind originally, but what the heck! its what shines through from my heart... maybe minus some details carefully hidden from the times i've been blinded or burnt. Happy new years!


Pretty white icing clinging over the thin dark branches of the trees... now sparkling as the sun comes out before slowly raining off to the still green grass below the trees. I know its like my third winter in new england already, but i still love the first snow! And it decided to snow the monday after my birthday weekend too =) Well, i decided it would be a good idea to come back and post happy things here again. I kinda haven't been around both because i've been busy but also because i kinda have been relatively down recently. It's been kind of a tough fall semester in many ways. This weekend, though, I re-discovered a few things both about me and people i know that just now is making me feel better about myself and what I need to do to make things better. It doesn't all just become clear ofcourse, but that's always a part of life anyway. Oh yeah, and my best friend got me DDR for my birthday! so now i actually have a new game to talk about too! Maybe getting those endorphens flowing will keep my mood a little brighter also (and help shed a pound or two maybe?). =)

There's a hole in my soul...

...and one thing i've learned, any shoe pair i buy, takes just two years to burn. So i need new shoes. As for the soul with the hole, i'll have to figure something out. I'm not sure what to do at the moment. I don't exactly like to just get new shoes, since the ones i have could never be replaced! I also apparently need a new pair of nice shoes. I had a nice pair that were both beautiful and comfortable and fit me like a glove, but i made some mistakes and lost them. Truthfully, I know i should and will look for the pair that i lost because i know they're irreplaceable. I don't know exactly how to go about that... but we'll see. Stimulating and deep isn't it? well... Anyway, i haven't been around much because i've been very busy and fairly stressed, and that's not usually conducive to posting. I also haven't been playing games much and thus don't have much on topic or very worth wile to talk about. But ah well, if anyone is reading, smile and say "weeeeeeeee!" I guarantee it will brighten your mood (whether or not you admit it ;P) Edit: Well sorry but from this computer i can't seem to force it to do returns. I'll fix it later


I have proposed to do what i have done and more. The next step is to do more and thesize. That is all for tonight!

Sun & breeze = good

Ok it's sunny. and a little breezy making it a very pleasantly atmosphered day. I feel a little better. still a tad freaked about life, but a little stress can be a good motivator i suppose. Since my TV and Starcraft failed me as good friends last night, I took up some time with another good old friend... Escape Velocity! Probably the best only-for-macintosh game of all time! unfortunately i no longer have the registration code =T i'll have to bug me bro about that one. Anyway, Weeeee! while i ride the upstroke of the emotion rollercoaster. ."weeeeeeeeeee! I liiike thiiiis gahahaaame!" - Cheese, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends *edit:* only edited the returns to space the text... grr not quite working.
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