For the first time in my life, i believe i have a resolution for the new year. I have resolved to put more thought and effort into everyone around me. I have several reasons for this in my life in particular, but i have realized that this simple thing is what a lot of life boils down to. I know, it may seem a cliche to say so, and quite likely not a solution as seen by the scruitanous, skeptical, and complexly thoughtful mind which sees all (or at least some) of the facets of problems in the world. Well, here's another cliche to throw in the works: What do you see of the world when you look through your heart? I've found in my life so far that if i let myself see things through my heart, then to my brain, and do things outwardly from my heart, i can see incredibly beautiful things in people around me. It's as if it forms a prism through which beautiful colors shimmer from the light you tap into from them. The truth of this brilliance in people may only be seen through the heart, focussed from one person to one person. As you do, the focussed light etches something of them on to you. It can be beautiful and wonderful, opening up your eyes to all new worlds. Without care (either yours or the other persons) it can also be focussed into something blinding, burning, and painful, and something may be stolen or damaged of your own colors. So many in the world wish not to look into each other for fear of this pain. In fact I've been lucky enough in my life to have seen light from one source that is so incredible, that uppon focussing my heart to them i have seen mosaics of brilliance and intricacy beyond that of any of the great works of artists i have ever seen with my eyes. It's from sources like this that i know there is enough good in the world to make it a better place. By seeking a view point and presentation to others thats closer to the heart, i hope to do my part to make the world a better place. Well, that's not quite the entry i had in mind originally, but what the heck! its what shines through from my heart... maybe minus some details carefully hidden from the times i've been blinded or burnt. Happy new years!
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