zardoth / Member

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Dark Days for Mankind

The world is suffering greatly these days. Here in America the economy is at its worst and some people barely have enough money for food and lodging, let alone the games we live on. These are some of the darkest days in a long time. With numerous natural disasters around the corner, fights that break out into wars, and global climate change that will continue for a thousand years to come, ending in the death of us all. Yes my fellow gamers, these are very dark days indeed. But something keeps us going through it all, hoping for better, happier times, all while knowing none shall ever come again. You may wonder what this greater power is, and ask yourself, "What good possibly bring us up and out of this dark, dank, hole." That is where we are all wrong. The answer is before us, before our dreary eyes, waiting to be part of us, and guide us past our hardships. For those of you who are doubtful I ask you to look again, to give the soul of us all a better chance. A chance for greatness, for power, and for wisdom. This greater being is all, and it is one. It is the game. Yes, the game. No im serious, its the game. Really, the game. Thats right the very one, the game. Not only does it live inside of us all, it pulsates with the beats of our heart, gazes through our eyes, and walks with us and among us, all at once. The game is all games, and all games are the game. You play the game, you live the game, you are the game. It is all there is. The game. Without it, mountains would tremble, oceans would sink, and jungles would shake. It is the spirit, the soul, the brain and mind of everything. It pulls the very roots of life together. And in times of need, it provides. In time we shall all follow the path of the game. But for now we are nothing, we are lost. The game is waiting, and we must answer it with open arms.