i have been to k-mart and bought these cherry chocolate easter eggs. they were half price as the chain department store at this time is clearing all their easter stock. they were $1.50NZ, down from about $4NZ. made in the united kingdom. it has been late to celebrate this time of year. i think it is incorrect for the media to say that easter is not remembered for jesus because every year it actually is. churches in parts of the world have masses... some churches have huge followings. if you are athiest, satanist or any other religion that is not christian then you wouldn't really know. it is a mis-conception. in new zealand, studies have reported that there are more athiests in this country than christian but i find that hard to believe myself because it seems to me everyone i come to contact with, is christian! these chocolates actually do look like real eggs except they are like sparrow eggs, smaller, red and with gold speckles on them. they are tasty. another easter gone by. daylight saving ended the other night too. now it is colder and it gets dark earlier. this past summer will be remembered as the one i spent most of it transient and i still am. i did not get laid once. i would like to have a small gripe with the city council and their stupid laws in closing. a bus being too heavy on land? come on. if it was for safety reasons then i would have rather died in that bus than have it taken away from me. and if i can continue? the city council here need some lessons in common sense. according to them the city is in serious debt but they are spending more money by undertaking expensive (and perhaps unnecessary?) city projects, nothing like this city has ever been through before, as if they are in the green. get... it... right. i hope you all had happy easters. :)
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