it appears that my discovery of 50 cent: blood on the sand was only a one off discovery of now, $10NZ. the game is good, i am not knocking that... but i have browsed the other games on the site and all are about $100NZ. my opinion has changed about buying online or at least,from
i viewed conan and rogue warrior (even though i know it is apparently a terrible game)... i also viewed midnight club: los angeles... which seems like a fun fast paced racing simulation through los angeles. they were the only three cheap games which i guess with me, is okay. i also liked the saboteur and just cause 2, which are both action sandbox games. just cause 2 i have been playing the demo very much as of late.
i am having second thoughts about buying nrl live on september 2nd, because it will cost about $120NZ... but with a free rugby ball? not enticed to buy... i am sorry... eb games.
the search for a new game to play, after deleting all my years progress on my xbox 360... continues.