tonight i got my first good play of splinter cell: conviction. the demo takes me to the middle of the story mode of the full version game, when i have to rescue a scientist and disable a emp bomb.
conviction is a much more easier game to play with the mark and execute and close kill abilities. in the first splinter cell, where it all began in 2002... then pandora tomorrow and chaos theory but excluding double agent as i have not played that... they all demanded that you think on your feet and not rely on hand holding help such as what is in conviction.
another gripe is with the visuals. i don't have a big television, about a 28 inch... but i couldn't see clearly most of the detail which was telling me how to play the game and what was worse, it was in black and white! it would have been more helpful if the hints were green for A... red for B... and so on. i was left straining my eyes to try and read.
like just cause 2 being my first sandbox game experience on the xbox 360, conviction was my first third person linear shooter experience. but it all felt too easy and not so much fun. sure, i hate it more than anyone else when i get blown to smitherenes by a shotgun blast by one of the united states government, third echelon thugs that are in conviction. but i reiterate, the mission felt like no hard work... it was like my hand was being held throughout a story of ruthless vengence with the most swearing i have ever heard in a computer game before in my life.
splinter cell: conviction i recommend as a good game for beginners of the splinter cell series. as in, one who has never played a splinter cell game before. you could go out and buy splinter cell: conviction at eb games, new, for $80NZ at the sale price, in their ten year celebration sale which finishes at the end of june. how about online? but veterans or experienced players like me of splinter cell could be left dissapointed with this different, rogue, more shoot em' up instalment.
many good, high scores the game received i think were not warranted. :(
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splinter cell: conviction is unlike any other splinter cell game before it. mission objectives appear on walls.