zarkon9 / Member

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late yesterday i thought i would finally get help for my games that i am stuck on achievement wise. i logged onto xbox360achievements.orgthen downloaded and printed about twenty pages on the games i chose of which i wanted to find out in greater detail... how to unlock the achievements i hadn't yet.

it was helpful. i have unlocked one achievement in leisure suit larry: box office bust and am on my way to unlocking another in smackdown vs. raw 2009, which is worth 150g. i tried to unlock the demolition boy achievement in leisure suit larry but the vehicle dissapeared before i had a chance to blow up those vehicles as that is what is required of you in the demolition boy achievement.

viva pinata: trouble in paradise has been added to my system but i haven't unlocked one achievement of that game yet. i have also avatar in the system as well, but that is a rental that i got some months ago which i will get againthen try andgain more gamerscore.

dse has dead space for $30NZ and i have the link to show for it. that is actually quite an incredible price and well worth it, preparing one for dead space 2 next year.