Alright, so this isn't a blog about Kingdom Hearts. What this is today is a general blog considering what is up.
First off, I had gotten very little sleep this week due to needing to get a short film done. Its called "Average Drama" and it is a fairly simple 10 minute film. I enjoyed making it though, so if you are interested in watching it, here's the link. Mind you, there are definite sound problems and if I had more time I would have fixed some of the shots, but those are things I'll consider with my next film.
I also have a music video, which can be seen here as well.
In other news, I bought Devil May Cry and Dark Cloud 2 and I was planning on playing through DMC over Thanksgiving but no... I left my power cord to my PS3 at home. Sucks.. :( Oh well, I also brought my 360 back so I've been playing Half-Life 2, Lost Odyssey, and Fable 2. Plus, I've been playing FFXII: Revenant Wings quite a bit. I'm not sure how many people have played it, but its a lot of fun.
One last thing. I'm not a hunter. In fact I think its stupid. But when waiting for a friend from high school to get back to town, I started playing Cabela's Legendary Adventures and was kind of having fun with it. :? Like, its not a good game by any means but I was just kind of enjoying it.
The same thing happened with me and movies. I have stopped getting excited for them, and have instead started appreciating them for what they are and whether they were enjoyable to watch. So even though I know games are bad, Ithink I might be able to start enjoying them. Who knows! :P