Even though my time for gaming will be jam packed with Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep and Halo: Reach, I couldn't help but take part of the deal at K-Mart: buy Dragon Quest IX and get The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks free. Basically I got DQIX for cheap since I sold LoZ: ST to a friend since I had already beaten my copy.
Regardless, the game is fun and addicting and a worthy RPG to own on my DS now that I am tired of playing Pokemon. :P Dragon Quest IX seems a lot different from its predecessor, DQVIII, simply because of the customization. I'm not sure if I'll beat the game but its a lot of fun and I can't wait to try out the multiplayer.
Shifting gears now from Dragon Quest to Dragon Age. After stopping my playthrough with my Rogue and having not played the game for a few months, I decided to restart the game as a Mage. Specifically as a Controller mage. Right now, all my spells center around hindering the enemy and debuffing. This means no damage and no healing, something that I foresee becoming a problem later on. So I'm trying to decide who else I should have in my party. I'm thinking Alistair, Morrigan and either Wynne or the Rogue or Bard, yet during my last playthrough Alistair was dying a lot and I had a rogue and another tank, Shale, there to take some of the damage. So if there are any recommendations there, please let me know. :P
Regarldess of not beating the game, Dragon Age is a fantastic game and just increases my love for Bioware. As such I restarted Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic the other night too. Since my Xbox is in my bedroom, I figured I'd play that when I just want to relax before bed instead of sitting around in the living room. I forgot how great KotOR is and I'm hoping I'll actually beat it this time. :P
It also brings me to my last point. I wish there were some WRPGs for handhelds. Something like KotOR, DA, Elder Scrolls, Baldur's Gate, anything would be great to have. So many people say JRPGs are dying and yet that is all there is on handhelds. JRPGs are all I own on my DS. If I'm missing any WRPGs on handhelds, let me know. I just hope Bioware shows some love for the 3DS in the future.