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Get Out Alive

Ever get the feeling that there is just too much to do at your current point in life?  That there are so many areas to explore in what you love and there may not be a chance to explore them all?  If you would have asked me those questions two days ago, I would have said no.  I've always have a pretty laid back life, being able to lounge around and do absolutely nothing and still have time to get stuff that I needed to do done.  Its amazing how all that can change in just a couple of days. 

At the beginning of last week I had begun writing a screenplay for a film I have been wanting to make for a long time now.  I am about halfway through that script, and I was getting excited for it.  I have so many ideas on the visual style I want to take with the movie and just...yeah things were really looking up for that film.  Until yesterday...

Yesterday I heard about a film festival being held at my college.  Great!  I thought I could enter in my one film I was in the middle of already and stuff, but then they told me that the movies had to be at the most 10 minutes in length.  Way too short for my one movie.  So now I have to put that first movie on hold, and I was desperately trying to think of a new idea for a film.  I then remembered an idea that I had during the summer to use for a short film.  Now, I'm busy getting people together, seeing if this movie is even possible to do and getting a hold of people that would be able to help me...just really overwhelming. 

So now I got two movies.  One short and one on hold.  My cousins, one is an avid writer and the other creates movies and such like I do.  They are giving me ideas, but at the same time said they have scripts that they have been working on that they would possibly give to me to work on.  While the short for the film festival will come first, I now have an opportunity to film four movies at least.  That is also a little overwhelming, but I am happy about the opportunities I am getting to do what I want. 

One other little thing.  School.  I am majoring in Journalism/Media Production so I have a lot of writing to do.  I'm a first year at college, and I've got Comp 201, Basic Newswriting, Speech 101, Intro to Acting, and some other classes that don't necessarily involve writing and/or memorizing lines and speeches.  I actually have a speech due Monday that I haven't really started on because of my sudden change in life. 

Desperately working on two screenplays and trying to get that short film together, writing essays and memorizing speeches, trying to get everything done and still have a life.  Just gotta try and get out alive of this semester...