Wow do I hardly get on here anymore. I may stop in for about ten minutes a day, but I soon have to get right off to go do some homework, project, work, whatever.
I barely even have time to play games! Last game I played before today was Dragon Ball Origins for the DS when I bought it last weekend and that was for only an hour.
Because of this, I'm debating whether or not to buy KZ2 or RE5 when they release just cause I have other games that I should play more of instead. Resistance 2, LBP, Madden, GTAIV, Overlord, Oblivion, Mass Effect, The Orange Box, and Halo 3 Legendary and an evil session of Fable 2. That's not including FFIX, CT, FFIV, DBO, FFVII: CC, and PS2 games like Rogue Galaxy, Dark Cloud 1 & 2, DMC, and all those other games that I have on backlog that I would love to finish someday.
Well can't stay on, got to head out pretty soon. Such is life...