With the return of my 360, I have been playing Fable 2 quite a bit. And it has been wonderful. I decided to take a break today when my friend from high school stopped by and sold me The Orange Box and lent me God of War: Chains of Olympus. I've played about three hours of GoW so far and I plan to beat it by tomorrow since I plan to go out sometime tonight.
Aside from the point, after putting The Orange Box with the rest of my collection, I looked at it all and realized:
I want to play too many games.
Now this is only counting the games in my collection and my roommate's collection, but these are the games I looked at and want to play right now.
- Oblivion (PS3)
- Resistance 2 (PS3)
- Rogue Galaxy (PS2)
- Dark Cloud (PS2)
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
- Xenosaga: Episode I: Der Wille sur Macht (PS2)
- Odin Sphere (PS2)
- Ico (PS2)
- Jet Set Radio Future (Xbox)
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox)
- Fable II (360)
- Grand Theft Auto IV (360)
- Halo 3 (360)
- Lost Odyssey (360)
- Mass Effect (360)
- The Orange Box (360)
- Overlord (360)
- Gears of War 2 (360)
- Rock Band (360)
- Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (PSP)
- Final Fantasy IV (DS)
- Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (DS)
- The World Ends With You (DS)
And those are just the games I want to play that I haven't beaten yet. :| It sucks... a lot. So I figure I'll peck away at them slowly and the only other games I'll possibly get this year are Chrono Trigger DS, Left 4 Dead, Prince of Persia and Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories.
Don't forget about Twilight Princess's three-heart challenge that I want to do, plus a replay of FFXII would be nice. Ugh...