So I haven't been online much lately due to my Macbook Pro's screen going out. Its getting fixed now but it couldn't have picked a worse time to break down. My first show is going up and I could have definitely used it for publicity; I have a presentation on there that I have to give Thursday and I have to finish a 13 page paper soon which half of it is on there.
But I've been playing Pokemon and I just got Red Steel 2. Fun stuff. First-person shooters with the Wii-mote are quite different. Not sure I like it more than a regular controller (I don't) but its fun in its own right. It feels like a last-gen game, Red Steel 2, but in a good way. Not the dated way, but the 'retro' or isn't trying to be another generic shooter type of game. I'm enjoying it.
And I have never played a Pokemon game as much as I have HeartGold. Usually I get frustrated halfway through the gym leaders because I like 9 Pokemon and I can't decide which ones I want to use. But I have over 100 some in my Dex and I have 4-5 regulars in my party and I'm trying to find a good final couple. I have:
- Swampert
- Pupitar (will become Tyranitar)
- Lucario
- Ho-Oh
I just started bringing Elekid in my party for an Electric type; want to get him to Electvire and I think he's pretty powerful. I've been messing around with a Dratini lately and I think I'll keep him, and I also had the secondary evolution of Gabite that I was using but... I'm still trying to find a good couple other Pokemon. I'm also trying to decide if Lucario is worth it. :? Suggestions?