If your reading this then welcom to another post of games that were missed games that seemed passed up but are worth a chance. They can also ease the waiteing paine of wii and or ps3.
Red Alarm (virtual boy) probley one of the gems of the vb (besides wario world and mario tennis) red alarm dose have wier frame graphics and in only red and black but the challeng this puts you up to is great. The fast pace (for vb) and you eyes trying to process whats comeing up and what things are will mess with a bit (gave me a head rush) the stages are challengeing and the boss battles will have you dogeing and fiering to victorey. Fighting with a plane is real fun on the vb.
HOOK (Sega Cd) Hok may have been a movie tie in but the game will put your sidescrolling skills to the test. Stages are well disgiend to resemble seans from the movie and they are heard. After each stage your thrown into a boss fight.Boss fighting can get you angery but requier a diffrent aproch then just hack n slash. Suer hook is on the nes ans snes but the sega cd has sound track like the movie and 3d images of the island, hooks boat and lots more. TThis is one of the sega cd's good game
WarLocked (gbc) Warlocked proves turnbase games can be done on the gbc. if you played final fantasey tactics and age of empiers til lthey were wore out then heres a new one for you. With great trops to comand smart AI and a great storey to boot your looking at a fun time here. So turn base fans look this up and get it.
Crystalis (Nes,Gbc) Sadley crystalis(remake) was on the same systom as links awakeing so it was looked at as underpar. This game accualy gives some good action and a long storey with pluntey of secrits to uncover. A grand quest passed up just cuse of zelda
Final Fantasey Adventuer (GB) If zelda had final fantasey spells ,lot more weapons, ass kicking bosses, tear jearking moments and a masterfull score you'd get this. Thas basscily what it is. But don't be thrown off it's not a zelda rip off it fells like it's own game. ith rpg elments and great action. FFA is one game that zelda like fans would be crazey to pass up
Well this ends another post in "Games that were missed) i hope you enjoy theas games as much or more than I did.
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