Shadow Man (N64 PC, Dream Cast)
Shadow man is a lond action adventuer game that's scarey and dark. it revolves around a guy named mikel (AKA Shadow man) your task is to get all the dark souls. You switch between the liveing world and the dead world. it's a leavel to leavel base game where you collcet things. The leavels are not linear but really open. Each world offers some cool leavels and some great action (thoe i thought dead offerd better) it's a long game that should ease the wii/ps3 waiteing game.
Note: there is probley some one who will point out shadow man is for the play station but that version was done poorley so it should be avioded.
Bodey Harvest: (N64) A si fi thierd person shooter. Bodey harves also offers some good action and open ended missions, lots of weapons, cars,tanks,motercycles,planes to high jack. Each mission takes about 30 minouts to beat and will keep you runnig al over the map. The score of the game really sets the mood and one of the best I heard on the N64.
Bust A Groove (PS) Simple,Fun. Addctive. This danceing game is corkey and cheery as it gets. Ther gameplay is so simple most any bodey (not my little sisster or my little cousiens) can play it. Just press the right buttons in the right time and you get to see some awsome dance moves play out. This makes the game rewarding. The music is catchey and corkey. How could you not like a rap about hamburgers? The musci will get stuck in your head and or singing along with it. Some will be annoyied.
Toney hawlk american skate land (DS) For some reason this game is not selling. Theres hardly any one on wifi any more and it made it's way to the bargen bin. The graphics work witth shell shadeing that looks great in motion (dont let the screens thorw you off) The game is long for handheld and the multi player is great. It's just to bad it came out with mario cart ds.
Well theres some games for now. I hope I helped you with games that can pass the time til lwii and ps3 comes out.