...as you can tell.
So if I was to define myself i'd put it in a list:
70% Lemming
(got an xbox and an 360 with 50+ games)
5% Hermit
(I have BF:Vietnam, FarCry and Half-Life 2 on my AMD 64 RIG)
10% Sheep
(have a GB, GBA, N64 and love the Wii idear)
10% Cow
(have a PS1 and PSP, love Tekkan)
So I live in the South of England near Southampton [I know, original name for a city in the south!] and have been gaming since the age of 5 (1995) brought up on games like Spyro the Dragon and Rayman; so don't think I'm a 40 y.o. gamer playing since Pong and pacman. Although I am mature when it comes to the forums and will only put across my opinion in the lightest way not "yeah teh PS3 sux @ss!!1!1!!"
My fav games of all time are [not in order]:
Halo: CE
Street Fighter 2 EX plus Alpha
Tekken 3
Grand Theft Auto Series
and well all the other games...
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