I know I will probably get a lot of negative for this but all together the wii is the better system. Before you judge me consider this. I am a 15 year old boy who loves playing the Xbox 360. It is even my favorite. However the wii is still the best overall system….
First look at video games in general. All the way from the first game Computer space in 1971 to revolutionary modern games like CoD4 and bioshock, developers are constantly making and designing new games. But what is their purpose? That answer is simple. Their purpose is to make money and, for the developers that still care, make a video game that everyone likes that will bring people together.
Out of the current gen systems which have done that better than the wii? None and I'm not basing that on personal opinion. The statistics show it too. The wii has brought in the most sales of any system. They have constantly had games up in the charts often in the top 5 places. It also incorporates the other part of games. Bringing people together for a common interest. While its online might not be as elaborate as the 360 and its graphics not as refined as the ps3's it still has a wider audience base. It brings in gamers from 5 yrs old to 50 yrs old.
Creativity wise its easily winning. It has the only truly good motion-sensor, considering the sixaxis is only used on a handful of games. They usely get bad ratings too. While project natal was just previewed it is not finished and you can't say for sure yet rather it will be good or an epic fail. Not to leave out games either. There are some honorable mentions like super Mario galaxy and World of Goo.
While I said earlier I am not personally a fanboy of the wii. However when you look at the facts the wii is dominating this generation of systems.
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