As someone from the latin america, i'm more offended that you'd think this kinda of bs would trigger me. No wonder i'm taking time from gs lately, got fed up with thesse sjw bs.
@CallMeDuraSouka: Yeah. I just think people are overdoing with complaints about "game being sjw" and political bs (just like everything in the internet nowadays just have to get stupid political discussions about it). I mean, the first one had goofy moments with the nazis, just like Engel being lover with that pipsqueak. In this one, sure, there are some sjw characters but they are so goofy to me, because the "main sjw" character just likes to order around but does nothing (kinda like the way i see the internet sjw). Not a single moment i was "holy hell, this sjw character is so badass! imma turning into sjw now, boy!" Hell, even the nazis look goofy to me sometimes. I, for one, dont think is much different from the first game aside for being more story heavy. People complain about some long parts without gameplay but they already existed in the first game (like BJ in the prison or when he goes to the sewers). But i still enjoy it nonetheless.
@CallMeDuraSouka: im honestly enjoying base game. I didnt play it a lot nor beat it yet (time factor, want to upgrade pc first if possible) but i had my fun. And, quite honestly, most of the complains i see about this games are just from dumb thick skulls that are unable to ignore political bs and have their fun. And i say this even though i absolutely despise sjw bs. But what i saw in the game, at least, was just a goofy representation of sjw that it amazes me how people are still taking this seriously, considering they arent trolling. Just one thing, this game can get unfair at times. One chapter at particular i was pretty pissed off because you start completly open getting bulletstorm from all directions while you get crappy weapons. This on the second hardest difficulty (the hardest is just a permadeath bs that i dont care) was much more frustrating for me than fun. Dont this game have a demo? Try it, sir.
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