Well, i guess im not much of a blogger. but it's not like that's gonna kill anyone... yet. but. i dunno.. yeah.
Well. i live in Europe so i've (FINALLY) gotten my PS3. and i am impressed. it's one big console. but, that's okay. i got room for it. and the games looks great (now i just need a new TV to make it look even better) so now the collection is almost complete. i've got all consoles dating back to way before i was born. lol and i love them all. i ain't some lame fanboy (who, in my opinion, should be killed, and it should be legal :P ) all i need now is the XBoxonlyworth1,60 (that's my opinion, no reason to flame me for that) and im gonna get it soon i guess. But the games on the Xbox360 isn't really interesting. nothing catches my eye, that's for sure.. oh well Dead Rising maybe, but that's just because i love killing zombies. but one game is not nearly enough for me to rush out and buy it. but i do have the money, not like consoles are expensive or anything (since, i got a job, so i don't whine about that). but yeah. the collection, as i said, is almost complete, now, i need a new TV and then that's about it. then i need something else to use all my money on. i COULD by a new PC. but. it spent around 3588$ on one just 3 months ago. so it's not really needed. but you never know. not that it's anything special. but. no problems running all games on the best Settings. lol
but anyway. im gonna get get the 360, so if anyone out there knows of any games that'll be coming out that might be fun for a guy like me to play. just mention them, and i'll look into it.
i like., RPG, FPS, RTS, and so on. not really a problem. i can play all kinds of games. (seeing as i'm still playing on the Amiga and all that :P ) but yeah. hit me with games. (or better, throw them at me, so i can get them for free :P )