New "level" on the No-life-o-meter :D.
This is now untrue thanks to another picky little moderator. aka sissyboy, lovekissingboys, and MAILER-DAEMON
He was such a prick to dock me 1½ a level. JUST because i told some IDIOT that it's not cool to make a new account just to make another topic about a "poll" to see who want's a stupid FF7 remake.. 'one finger-saulte MAILER-DAEMON.'
I just thougt it was about time to actually write a new blog, since my latest one got deleted by a moderator who has his thong crammed up his arsenal. Apparantly he was too stupid to go in an Edit the blog and change the word. He thought (yes, Moderators do try to think sometimes) that deleting the post was smarter. Good job smartass.
SO, what have i been up to lately, you ask? Buying a ton of games, playing said games. And figuring out how i could get my hands of the controller since Army Of Two is taking up a good amount of time.
So what IS Army Of Two, well. It's a game (obviously... you retard and you are one of the guys in a Two man Army.. (see how the name works out now?) And you shoot dudes :D That's army of two. But the fact that it's built for Co-op makes it a whole lot better than just shooting dudes. All the different tactics. Stuff you can do. 'insert guitar "solo" from waynes world here'. But to anyone who owns either a 360 or PS3 you should really give the game a try.
And don't worry, I know some of you probably don't have any friends since you're all acting like idiots online. Wich is of course your own fault, stupid idiots. But rest assured, The AI does work too. to some extend.
You know what guys, i only have 5 more games to get this month (i bought 8 already) that i am looking forward to. Then next month starts and more games are coming out. So i'm just spending all of my money on stuff i like. Maybe some of you people are going "That's a lie, nobody can afford that"... Maybe not a big loser like yourself who's practically just wasting the precious air that the rest of us are breathing. But guys with a job that pays well (not a job where the working "men" get's cheated) Can afford what the hell they want. So get a job, or live your life as a loser. Make your choice.
Meh, I have nothing special to write about really. So you can all go away now, and pray to something that you won't get hit by a car next time you go outside. And if you do.. HAH, you should have looked out for yourself
Ok, you're are now free to go out and have a Gay Time :D .. (let's see how many of you imbeciles would understand what that means)