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Yet Again

it's that time of the week. and the European Playstation Store gets yet another crappy update.


if i wanted to play old games like what they put out on the store this time, i would dig them out of the closet. BUT I DONT WANT TO! how about giving us something we want for a change? last week we got a Harry Potter Emo...erhm..Demo.. and this time we get something even MORE worthless. how can that be? when are they going to learn to give people something they want?

you know what it is.. IT'S CRAP! all around crap... (but atleast it's free) .. not it's not ? :S how can 3 downloadable games be free you idiots? would you wake up for wonderland and smell the toxic air you retards.

At least there's still one good thing about the PS Store.. im not forced to go in there, and it's still Blue.

/end rant

oh and. just so you know. Masterchief still dies. and it's been said "yeah, we're sorry for the leaked ending. and that the death of the "hero" has been shown" ...

DOES THIS MEAN THE END OF IDIOCY?.. i mean.. Fanboyism?