Hey everybody, sorry I haven't blogged alot lately. I just wasn't writing very good blogs and decided I needed a break. But know I'm back and better than ever. (We'll see about that)
This blog has it's own theme music, so if you would very kindly open this link in a different window and let it play (which you won't, but if you do.... :D ) Blog theme song
First thing I want to do is a little comparison between the two new football games this year, All Pro Football 2K8, and Madden 08. I'll break this down into categories, and we'll see how the games compare side by side. We'll get the little stuff out of the way first, and work our way down to the most important areas of the game. This blogs more than about football, so if you're not interested just skip down to the bottom.
APF: The crowds are very nicely rendered and all move differently, so they're not just a swarm of clones wearing baseball hats that seems to be doing a never-ending "wave"
Madden: Pretty much the opposite of what the crowds in APF are. Very blocky models, all wearing baseball caps, and they all move at the same time, so it looks like they're constantly doing the wave.
Edge: APF
APF: Very well done sidelines, the character models are the same looking as the ones on the field. They're also animated very well, and will stop or slowdown players on the sidelines, and catch thrown-away passes. They'll also do other things such as run down the sidelines with your players as they run towards the endzone.
Madden: Same as it ever was. Looks like N64 graphics, and they all do the same animation at the same time, so it looks really cheesy. They don't interact with whats going on either.
Edge: APF
APF: They're not bad looking by any means, but they could use more polish for sure. The uniforms do scuff and get dirty in unique ways, and that's a nice touch. The face models of the legends are for the most part spot on, but some could use some work. The same face is used for white and black generic players, so you do get some very odd looking players. The weather is awesome, with snow zigzagging and rain splashing off of helmets. You can alsosee injuries as they happen, which is a really nice touch.
Madden: The uniforms shine and get dirty and a very realistic way. The fields really start to get torn up as the game goes on, and it's great. The face models are outstanding as well, the coaches in particular are insanely detailed. I'm not sure I want to see every age spot on Rod Marinelli's face though...
Edge: APF has the details, Madden has the polish. Tie
APF: Some of the best animations I've ever seen. It seems like every play is different, and you'll constantly be noticing little animations that help immerse you into the game. Still the occasional rough animation though, we can't be perfect can we?
Madden: I'm really amazed at how much Madden has improved their animations. Some look better than APFs, and the hard hits are absolutely brutal. The only problem is that there will occasionally be a missed animation, so a player will make a catch and instantly start running off towards the endzone, no transition at all.
Edge: APF wins by a little bit
APF: Something about the gameplay here just feels so right, it's almost hard to explain. Wait, no it's not, it'sthat the players actually have weight, and will shift weight when changing direction, so it's very realistic. The playbooks are kind of lacking though.
Madden: A better kicking system, thats for sure. The gameplay is far better than last year, but still not up to APF standards. It's still very enjoyable to play, and is more accessible to non-gamers, such as dads and little brothers. My hope next year is that they give more weight to the players.
Edge: APF
So APF wins overall, but Madden still has a very good football game this year, and I am really surprised by that. Sure, this is just a vague comparison that's missing a lot of details, but my hands are starting to get tired, so cut me some slack ok? Geez...
Now on to the next point of my blog, which I actually forgot what it was going to be about since I rambled on about football games so long, but I think it was me listing some of my favorite songs of all time in no particular order...
Cult of Personality-Living Colour
Achilles Last Stand-Led Zeppelin
Whole Lotta Love-Led Zeppelin-sorry about the talking in the beginning, and this is an edited version without the deadzone in the middle of the song
November Rain-Guns N' Roses-this might just be my favorite song of all time
Turn Up the Radio-Autograph-not bad when it comes to 80s hair metal
Of course I have more favorite songs, but this is all I'll post for now. I'll include more in my next blog... maybe.
Now I'll include some funny videos that you should definitley check out:
Link -it's actually a music video, but the first couple of minutes are absolutely hilarious... bad acting FTW!
Another link - a montage of clips from the most hilariously bad movie I've ever seen... Troll 2- you have to see this... At least watch the ending
Well, that's all I feel like writing for know (arms...going...to fall....off :( ) I know I still haven'tanswered your questions, maybe next time. Please leave comments, maybe some ofyour favorite songs, any good videos, what you think of Madden or APF, or what you think of the two funny videosI linked. Thanks for reading all of this, please comment, I'd really appreciate it since this blog took forever.
Also, I preordered Bioshock. It may become one of my favorite games of all time. Who knows, but it'll be awesome.