Hey everybody, pretty short blog today, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
First off, just like I did with All Pro Football, I made a video involving three cool plays from Madden 08. Please let me know what you think about it.
And now, I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be starting a new series of blogs soon that are very interesting and I think you'll enjoy them.
Also, I started making a basic storyline for my Simpsons episode, but if you guys have any ideas, I'd be more than happy to hear about them. I'll post a plot overview in my blog once I work out the kinks.
Ok, thats all. Let me know what you thought of the video, or if you didn't watch it, I guess you could always give me some good simpsons ideas, right?:D
Thanks for reading and peace out.
Oh, I forgot one thing. You see, albedos_shadow and I go to the same school. Although I'm a junior and he's a senior, we still take the bus home. (we could get cars, but that money has to go toward videogames :lol: ) But yeah,there was this wierdo freshmen who was trying to hide the fact that he was taking videos of albedos_shadow with his cell phone. Weird. He kept on giggling too.... I'm afraid :( Sorry, but I had to say that just because it was so wierd. Sorry I made you read this. Don't be angry now! :D
For real now, later everyone