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Retro Revival Week: Day the fourth

Hmmm.... RRW day four.... dang, this is one of those early morning blogs, isn't it? No need to worry, though, I promise to keep this blog concise, to the point, and with no guest stars! Ok, so, what did I play yesterday? Well, not much really, it was a pretty busy day for me, but I did manage to squeeze in a few games:

Adventure Island (NES) I was only able to play this for about five minutes, but it made some good first impressions on me. It seemed like a cool platformer with plenty of different weapons and items to mix up the standard platforming action.

Baseball Stars (NES) In my opinion, this is the second best NES baseball game (Right behind good old Baseball Simulator 1.000, of course)

Super RBI Baseball (SNES) I popped this in for a few seconds, couldn't hit the ball once in two innings, got frustrated, and turned it off.

The Lawnmower Man (SNES) I got this in the mail, played through the first level, but quit early due to the extreme feelings of disappointment when I discovered that my character was all man, but no lawnmower :(

Crash Bandicoot (PS) This was my first time playing the CB series, and I had a very good time with the original CB yesterday. It's the game I sunk the most time into, and I liked the mix of 2D and 3D platforming. It's a very fun game, and I look forward to playing more of this today.


I also broke down and bought Civilization Revolution for the 360 yesterday, because I downloaded the demo and played the crap out of that, and I really enjoyed it. So I popped it in at about 8 last night, and finally finished my first match at about 12:30. But man, did I love every second of it. The reason it took so long is that I couldn't find the Chinese, who were on an isolated island to the south of me. When I finally did find them with one of my Cruisers, they had almost no technology, and my riflemen and Cruisers were easily able to take out there wooden shanties and tribal warriors. I can't play many games for 4 hours straight, but I was surprised that Civ Rev kept me interested (not to mention awake) for that long a time. Definitely a great game, especially if you consider that it's on 360.

Anyways, thanks for reading, thoughts, musings, and compliments (:D ) always welcome below.
