zelda450 / Member

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Some New Miis

I found some awesome Mii ideas.  My favorite would have to be Ahnuld.  He looks awfully like The Guvnuh himself.  Here's the link to those interested: http://gamevideos.com/video/id/7638  There are a bunch of really funny ones, and ones that look alot like their real-life counterparts.  I also made an alien version of Abraham Lincoln.  I'd post pics, but my camera is unfortunately not working.

I wasn't able to play Twilight Princess for very long this weekend (only about an hour and a half) but I did finish the fifth dungeon, Snowfrost Peak.  I don't know why, but I absolutely hated this particular dungeon, and it is probably my least favorite one in the Zelda series.

With Christmas around the corner, I decided to make a video game Christmas list to give to my parents.  Anyways, here it is in all it's glory.  

Xbox 360

F.E.A.R.; Call of Duty 3


Final Fantasy XII; Guitar Hero 2


Excite Truck; Rayman Raving Rabbits


Final Fantasy III; Scurge; Contact; Elite Beat Agents

Please tell me if there is anything else you think should be on the list or if there is something on the list that you think shouldn't be.

Thanks, and I'll try to make a blog post a little more often now.

See ya later...