Yes, yes I am.
I know, it's been a while since you've seen a blog from me (sorry, panta-blogs don't count) I've been crazy-busy with school lately (Advanced Placement History was a big, big mistake) what with homework and a research paper taking up my time almost every night. The research paper's alright though since it's about video games. Unfortunately, my teacher says the only way that I'll have enough respectable information in my paper to get a good gradeis to take the side that violent video games may be bad for children... :( I think on the top of the paper, in giant bold letters, I should put NOTE: THIS PAPER IS COMPLETE BS. ANYBODY WHO BELIEVES THIS IS A GIANT DORK. Just how bad is it you ask? I had to take a quote from Jack Thompson. I'm ashamed. :(
Anywho,since I don't remember the last time I made an actual blog, I'm not really sure what new games I've boughten over the time period, but there's been plenty. The most noteworthy purchases would have to be Guitar Hero 3, Call of Duty 4, and Super Mario Galaxy. So far I have been loving them all, especially SMG. This game completely blew me away, and it's even better than Super Mario 64 in my opinion, which just happens to be my second favorite game of all time. This is without a doubt going to be my game of the year. Call of Duty 4 is, as you of course already know, amazing. This is one of the few multiplayer games that I'm actually good at. I usually get between 10-20 kills per game, which is pretty good for me. Definitely one of the better games I've played this year, and probably my favorite 360 game of the year. As for GH3, well it's GH3. I still have to beat Lou on hard, but I just can't no matter how many times I've tried, so I've moved on to the expert career, and I just beat Mr. Morello. I hope the DC songs start getting a bit better. Free Halo 3 theme was a nice thanksgiving present though. :D After seeing the DC for Rockband, though, I can't help but feel that GH3 could be doing a lot better. The Rockband DC is seriously awesome, I can see myself buying every single one of those songs. They cover a pretty good amount of music, from Metallica to the Police, to CCR to the Pretenders. I can't wait to get this game for Christmas (if I can find it, that is)
Well, I just wanted to give everybody a little update on what's goin on. I might write a blog later on about some popular games that I've never beaten and some I've never even played, but you know how I am about my blog-promises (last time I promised a blog it took me a month and a half to write it)
Also, you might notice the Panta-blog and one of my dual-video blogs have been deleted. There's a very long and crappy story behind this, but let's just say it involves my little brother somehow getting on to my GS account and letting EVERY SINGLE member of my family know what kind of "colorful" language I used. Too bad they didn't care :lol: He also sent a message to albedos_shadow, pretending to be me, that said "hi i am in trouble for writing bad words and saying @$$ dont talk to me" I also got three terms of use violations, because he went onto the Halo 3 forums and posted delightful topics such as "hi" and "i am stupid" Not just posts, whole topics... what a dork :lol:
Peace out everybody
Also Homes, good luck at States tomorrow, I hope you rip Macomb Dakota a new one :D