Alright, I know what u mean about the interactive environment being the mainstay, i was just warning against using it TOO much cuz that may be overwhelming to rookie users. The only problem with the hospital being the main level constantly is repetition of the same scenery so make sure the side quests are innovative and very different...but i do think there is potential, and i am sure if u asked around, plenty of people know graphics design as well as programming. myself i am a writer/concept designer/programmer.
zelda_nub13's forum posts
1) halo in general is groundbreaking b/c of the nature of it, it is set in futuristic world and most FPS gams in that genre cannot keep up with it especially in the weapons department
2) there is ADDED strategy in halo 3, (not that there is alot overall) b/c of the bubble shield, health regen, etc...not to mention new weapons and vehicles
The idea has some good basic thoughts but the peripherals need some work. and the interface would actually work nicely with the current Source Engine. And despite the fact that the environment would be ur weapon, it would be best to include some sort of firearms b/c every1 loves firefights! And the level would need to be expanded outside just the hospital into a city with the hospital as more of a home base or the final level. Now this is just my opinion, but carrying a baby around? it might be batter to have him stash it somewhere safe and have it as a recurring character rather than just running around with a baby all the time and its crying would get VERY annoying. Lastly, i very much like videogame design so if u or anyone else reading this want to throw around ideas or start some sort of project or group let me know.
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