Hi i'm zeldafan3 ( i wanted to be zeldafan03 or zeldafan64 but they were taken... ) I have played games for a long time and found a particular liking to The Legend of Zelda series! I love Nintendo games like Metroid, Mario, Starfox, and zelda of course. But don't worry i like xbox and playstation as well. the zelda games I have played are............................................................................................................................................................................... The Legend of Zelda Ocarina Of Time ( N64 and 3DS versions ) The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess One of my other favorites are the Harvest Moon series which is about a person who somehow takes over a farm and needs to get married. I find the unique style of Harvest Moon awesome and as entertaining as any other game! Another favorite of mine is Mario of course the goofy plumber is amazing! I have multiple Mario games like Mario galaxy but i really like Mario kart games. Overall he is the most popular gaming character ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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