It's been quite some time since I've posted a blog, though its not to say I haven't been keeping up with those of my friends. In my absence from Gamespot's forums and blogging community, I have actually kept up with reading everyone else's. Needless to say, I have decided to return to this community and I'm very excited to do so :).
Rather than making a return post without any acutal blog, I've decided to write a simple "Games I bought recently" blog. I always enjoy reading those when other users post, so maybe my game selections may entertain you (for better or worse :P). So I'll start wtih the games i purchaces within the last three months...
At the beginning of the Summer, I did alot of used game shopping mainly because I was in need of something to play and I didn't have the patience to save up a substantial amount of money to buy a newer game. Fortunately I was pleased wtih the result of my purchases.
Guilty Gear Accent Core (Wii)- So this was fun to play at first. It still is fun to play aside from its lackluster presentation and overly simplistic controlls. I had fun playing this game wtih friends, though. The sprites in GG games are always beautiful, and the characters are pretty awesome as well. Aside from the versus mode and the arcade mode, there was nothing else really other than a mediocre art gallery. Oh well, Heaven or Hell... LETS ROCK!
Chrono Trigger (DS)- Though this is a relatively new game on the DS, i bought it used so I found it appropriate to put in this section. I've always been a fan of JRPGs since I was a very little kid, but Chrono Trigger wasnt really a game that was released in "my time" (seeing as im only sixteen). I do have a SNES and a PSX but I never got around to buying Chrono Trigger. However, when I did this time, I was more than pleased to see it lived up to the great hype surrounding it. Chrono Trigger has proved to be one of my favorite JRPGs of all time. I could barely put my DS down when i was playing through it. Simply Incredible.
Armored Core: For Answer (PS3)- I got this on an excursion to gamestop one day when I had no other game in mind to buy. I had been craving a good mech game for quite some time now, and rather than look through my collection and play another JRPG like Xenogears which is heavily mech based XD, i wanted to buy a game along the lines of Chrome hounds or Armored Core. This game was a great buy at only $19.99 and with a Gamestop savings card, only $17.99. Plays like any other mech game. Not too special but at the same time very fun. Mech customization is great, and the stages and missions are very fun to pick up and play. There dosen't appear to be much of a story though, after playing for a few hours I haven't picked up on much of that... Anyways its fun ;) Play it if you want a mech game. Also the trip to Gamestop that day proved to be benefitial as well, seeing as the manager of the store had brought a copy of the FFXIII demo in with him (from his personal copy of FFACC:Japaneese import edition). Other than not understanding what the characters were saying, i was verrrrrrrrryyyyyyy pleased with the gameplay.
Megaman Network Transmission (GC)- This was a purchace mainly to humor my friend who tends to accompany me on advetnures to Gamestop. I've always been a hater when it comes to Megaman.EXE games and this was no exception. The game was only $2.00 so either way you look at it, you arent getting ripped off. It dosen't play like a normal megaman by any means really. You run like megaman, you jump like megaman, you shoot a buster like megaman... but is it megaman? Not in my oppinion. I understand that the battlechip system is supposed to differ from the previous MM installments but really its not too great. You pick up little chips that have a limit on the times you can use them. each chip serves as a temporary upgrade for Megaman so that he can use things like his saber or a tri shot megabuster. Eh... Its probably just not for me. In any case, its another cheap addition to my collection. *it does have a nice soundtrack though ;)*
This is the part of my blog where ill talk about newer games that I bought...either being NEW or simply Unopened.
Knights in the Nightmare (DS)- This game...this game...this game... Is very fun. I originally bought it as somethign tp do on the plane ride to France for a school exchange trip. Upon buying this game and going home to read the review on IGN , because it had not yet been posted on Gamespot because it was released on that day, I was unhappy to hear aoub t it extremely steep learning curve. However, this proved to be a tad bit of an overstatement. Though the learning cureve might be high, if you go through the very user friendly tutorial once, the rest of the game is a cake walk. Critics have claimed that this game has a great story but I've yet to see it. Over the course of my trip, i played it for maybe 6 hours or a little bit more and im not very impressed wtih the story. I wouldnt recomend this game to everyone but to fans of Final Fantasy Tactics, go for it. Its a great game.
Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (DS)- Ive always liked the Shin Megami Tensei series, and finally when one came to the DS, I had to buy it. Devil Survivor is a great game anyway you look at it. The storyline is great and keeps you on your toes, and Atlus continues to bring you the difficult challenge they always promise in their Megaten games. Its reminiscent of Dragonquest to me for some reason. Not sure why, but its story reminds me of Deathote... i also dont know why exactly. In any case, its up there as one of my favorite DS games. Top 3 or 4 I'd say. This is a must buy for any RPG fan, despite its difficulty.
Valkykria Chronicles (PS3)- Got this one in France. Why? Becaue ive always wanted to play this game and I wanted a French game to add to my international collection i suppose XD. The game itself is in english, but the writing on the box is in French. It seems stupid that I bought it overseas jsut because of that, but i dont care really. Valkyria Chronicles is a great game. Its reminiscent of Advance Wars in my oppinion with beautiful graphics and a somewhat lighthearted WWIII type story. I highly recomend it. I'm steadily making my way through this game. Slowly but surely.
New Super Mario Bros. (DS)- Got this in France as well, as something to do on the plane ride. Its not very long, seeing as I got through most of it on the ride from Maryland to London, but either way you look at it, its an outstanding game. I wish there were more of theese type games on the DS.
Nintendo DSi - Not much to say about this other than its nice system layout. I got a free copy of New Super Mario Brothers wtih this one.
Chrono Cross (PSX)- I got my hands on a new copy of Chrono Cross while i was at Otakon 2009. Because of my new found love for the Chrono Series, I knew i had to buy this game. To be honest, Im not as fond of it as I was wtih Crhono Trigger. May fans say the same thing, simply because its a very different game. Thats not to say that its a bad game by any means. It has a great story and a great soundtrack, but playing it at this day and age feels somewaht dated. Ims sure I'll get around to playing through the entire game at somepoint but for now, it shall remain as part of my Playstation 1 collection.
That about sums it up. I think thats all of the money i burned this summer =/. After reading this, hopefully i can get my old gamespot friends to read my blogs once again :). And as some of you may be able to see, my gamespot friends oppininons have influenced some of my purchaces over the summer lol. Anyways, untill next time...

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