zenjaboy's forum posts
when i play fable two i always end up fighting the same way i just hit x and stab every one with my sword if i dont i always end up taking damage it feels like i always do the same thing and when i try to do something new it ends up having me almost die because i get shot and stuff does anyone else feel like the game punishes you for trying new things in battle
mymy xbox 360 brook and i am just about to get it back from microsoft i want a new game but i dont want to spend a lot of money i was wondering what older game i should get that still is cool and fun
like bioshock,bad company 2, or like mass effect or somthing
i think achements are great hte way they are. think about it if you could trade in yyour achievments in a game some one would play a easy game get a bunch of gamescore and then trade it into a good game. while the avatar thing sounds good. sure aafter you have a xbox acheivemetns arnt that greaat but when you get a new xbox you just want to get a super hight gamer score. idk i hope microsoft does somthing new and creative to spice up achements but there okay right now
most of the time i like playing games like fallout 3 i loved oblivion and think open ended worlds are super fun. but fallout 3 just isnt for me. while playing it i found myself using vats the whole time because the gun play wasnt that saatisfing. i didnt really care for the story eaither it was good but it never grabbed me fallout 3 is a great game its just one of those games you are eaither going to love or hate.
well it depends on what you are looking for dead space is creepy and scary, but while i was playing it i realized that i was almost fighting all of the same enemys and that the fights get kinda boring about half way throguh the game the boss fights are fun but few and far apart. it is a great game but it can be tiring and i get bored of it after a while
while bioshock isnt really scary after the first 30 minutes but it has a great story and the combat is pretty good there were a few moments werre i thought that hey didnt i killa guy that looks just like that that same way 20 minutes ago but you just have to experiment with the wepons to change it up a bit the boss fights arnt anything crazy but still more fun then killing regular people. the wepon custimation is cool but nothing new
its all a matter of what you want if you want a game that you can run around killing zoombie alien things and run around using the same same guns alote (not like the guns are bad because i had alote of fun just using the first gun you got) and having some awsome boss battles then get dead space
but if you want a game with a amzing story and maybe not as good game play but still fun gam play get bioshock
and people please dont say oo you dont like this game your a jerk i have played both games for a long time and think there great personaly i cant pick whitch one is better there both great in there own way
i know that rainbow 6 2 came out a long time ago but im just now thinking about getting it i hated the first one but 2 looks really awsome its pretty cheap to i also want to know if its better then far cry 2 because i want that game to
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