zenszulu / Member

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Loving the Virtual Console

Well what can I say I have spent the vast majority of my time on my Wii playing the Virtual Console games, this is mainly due to the lack of any new games being released right now on the Wii other than what's on the Virtual Console. not that I have a problem with any of that as it's by far one of the best ideas Nintendo has came up with, just the thought of all those games in one place is scary to think of, and all emulated perfectly, even the Classic controller is near enough perfect, as it is as good if not better than the Snescontroller it is based on and that is a tough feat to do as that is by far the best pad I had ever used up until now as far as 2D games went, but if you are going to download any Snes or Megadrive (Genesis) games it's more than worth it as controlling then with a GCN pad is near enough impossible not just because of the small D-pad but the layout of the four face buttons, as I found out after downloading Donky Kong Country 2 and it was near enough imposible to run and jump at the same time, well worth getting one if you haven't already.

Maybe Nintendo has got it right anyway going backwards in order to go forwards? Any wayI have already downloaded 8 games and can see many more in the future, and since here in Europe we will be able to trade stars that we have earned on Nintendo products on the Official Nintendo website for Wii points soon I am sure I will have quite a few free games on my way as I have saved up quite a few points over the last year or so, since I have brought quite a few official Nintendo products to do so.Maybe it's my age starting to show here but I seem to enjoy older games now, or maybe I just want to get the games i couldn't when I was younger, either way i am loving it.