I was originally going to write this about one thing, but then I just started thinking about loads of different things and before you know it I had actually just stopped writing the whole blog, mainly because I wasn't so sure if I should write about what I was or something different. So after a night of sleeping on it and waking up feeling like crap I have decided to just do the whole lot, which should cover the Wii and DS games I have recently got, the ones that I am looking forward to getting by the end of the year, and believe me there are a few. What I have been playing my Wii on, pictures included, my temperamental internet connection and the hype of a certain game which my original blog was about, so enjoy because at the time of writing this I don't know how long this sucker will be.
Let's see the two most recent games I have got my hands on for both the Wii and DS are Final Fantasy 3, quite old I know but still never got around to getting it, and Super Paper Mario both of which I have actually stopped playing this past week as I have been working so much, but I am still enjoying them, Super Paper Mario more so mainly because of the humour. Lets start with Final Fantasy 3, can't really say I am surprised much about this looks great for a DS game and almost as good as say Final Fantasy 9 on the PSone which the character models seem to be most similar too, other than that the game is a bit of a odd one for an update seeing as the story is poor being that it was a NES game to begin with and the had hardly any story to them until the went to the Snes games, and as a result you can often get confused on what to do next, since you aren't always told a whole lot, but a great way to show what the DS can do, and I am now really looking for the remake of Final Fantasy 4 since that was the first one to have an in depth story so that should be on par with most PSone RPGs in terms of size and scale, I also have my fingers crossed that SquareEnix are also planning on doing both Final Fantasy 5 & 6 like this since they would be the ones to get and if 6 is done right in 3D it would rival 7 in terms of size and just sheer greatness, but maybe that's just wishful thinking and my behalf. Ok on to Super Paper Mario, now I have been a fan of this series since the first one was released on the N64 just because it was so damn funny and easy to get into and was something unlike anything else around being a cross between RPG and Platform games, the second was more of the same but on a far larger scale with everything just turned right up and the humour was there again. Now the third in the series is pretty much the same with the exception it removes the turn-based and turns it into more of a straight out platform game with some RPG elements, not that it makes it any worse if anything it makes the game quicker to play as there is not stopping and starting for battles, I'd recommend it to anyone who liked the last two and even if you haven't if you have a sense of humour go and get it because like the last two it is very funny and if you don't think it is then you have something seriously wrong with you.
Well now onto what I am really looking forward to getting my hands on, only really one on the DS which I have yet to pick up and that's Zelda: Phantom Hourglass so being a Zelda fan I doubt I have to say why I really want that since it's pretty self explanatory. Now onto the Wii games which wet my appetite and there are a few, number one that is already out and that is Metroid Prime 3: Corruption haven't picked it up this past week since I am so tired from working and would rather pick it up when I know I can play it since I know it will something I love and put it up there with Zelda and Resident Evil 4 as two games that need to be had and played through. Lets see other games well since I am a huge wrestling fan I will be getting Smackdown vs RAW 2008 next week mainly because it's finally coming to the Wii and isn't a cut down version this time like THQ seemed to release on the GCN and left all the good stuff for the PS2, and since I still don't plan on replacing my Xbox360 anytime soon it's the only way I can play it, well I could get the PS2 version but why when I can get it on the Wii? Looking forward to that anyway mainly because I am a geek for wrestling games I guess. Anyway one game that really has me interested is Zack & Wiki just because it seems to be one of those games that will be fun just because it's made to be that way and maybe one of the first non-Nintendo made games that uses the Wii well, but chances are it will be missed by most which is a shame. Guilty Gear XX Accent Core also is one game I really want, although it's not out here until next year so I don't have to worry about getting it at the moment but anyone who knows me well will know I just have a love for a good 2D beat-em-up and this is certainly one of them, call me old but you can't recreate that sort of action in a 3D fighter so easy, so fingers also crossed Capcom don't make Street Fighter 4 3D.
Still with me on this? I am no where near finished yet. I'm really also thinking of getting Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock but I have never really been a fan of music based games and the only one I have is Donkey Konga 2 and that's only because it was free with a subscription so may have to try that one first. Battalion Wars 2 is one game that has me really excited just because an RTS using the Wii-mote should be as easy as using a mouse to play plus it looks good and should be fun to play and I missed the first one so this should really make up for it. On the subject of strategy games Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn looks good with the exception it looks near enough the same as the GCN game although the Fire Emblem games have never been about the looks not greatly fussed on the looks but as with Battalion Wars I missed the first one on the GCN too so will be nice to see how this plays. Ok that seems to be the ones that are starting to get reviewed now out of the way now onto the ones that should be out quite soon.
Can't not mention Super Mario Galaxy straight away here this is a game I have probably been waiting a decade to play since I completed Super Mario 64, sure Sunshine was a good game but never managed to match the N64 classic, this game should and hopefully surpass it. I can't really say much else than I want this game more than any other this year and I will have it. I am also really looking forward to the Wii-Zapper games Link's Crossbow training should be a good way to show what the thing can do but not expecting it to be the greatest game although still makes great sense to have it packed the Wii-zapper as it is one of the key games that will help sell it just based on the name alone plus who doesn't like shooting things on screen anyway, with this Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles and Ghost Squad I'm sure I will be shooting at things for months but I used to love going to the arcade and playing these sorts of games up until now they seem to have disappeared so it's good the Wii is bringing them back. I am not so sure about Medal of Honor Heroes 2 though but if it delivers the 32 player online mode well then perhaps it will be worth playing for that alone. Think that's about it really with the exception of one game which I will get to on my last bit of the blog, I will say this though it's good to see games on the Wii are finally starting to look like more than GCN/PS2 games with motion sensing controls, even Twilight Princess is a GCN game in the graphics department as good as it looks, but just compare it less than a year down the line to both Metroid Prime 3 and Super Mario Galaxy and you can see just how much more the Wii can do over the last generation of consoles, now if third party developers took note of this and stopped just porting the PS2 versions with different controls things may start looking up or do what Capcom and Sega seem to be doing and make games that are designed for the Wii or is that asking too much?
Lets see now, I thought I would include a couple of pictures in here of what I actually play my Wii on just because well I can, may not be the biggest TV but it can take near enough every connection you throw at it except VGA but that's not really a loss any more.
Also want to mention about my internet connection as of late I know have a wired connection to my computer which is great but the wireless connection has went down, which means no Virtual console downloads on my Wii which sucks since I wanted to get a couple of games this past weekend which is just my luck I guess, the whole thing just seems to hate me, but I am sure it will be back on soon, I hope anyway I'm getting sick of spending hours trying to fix it with no results.
Anyway onto what this blog was originally about I am going to give it its own sub-header since it was a blog on its own at one point although I have started and stopped wring this at the moment just because I feel like crap so now I have to remember what I was wring in the first place since being the idiot I am I deleted the original one so I can't just copy and paste what I had, so here goes;
The Hype Machine
There are so few games that actually manage to live up to the hype that they get these days often because it goes overboard and they just don't deliver everything that is promised and often don't really match what the previous game in the series managed since these days most games that receive the most hype are sequels to one of the biggest selling games are the ones with the most devoted fan bases, which is why the game I am going to talk about is arguably creating it's own hype not only based on the last game but just what is going to be in the new one, and that is Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It would be fair to say the Super Smash Bros. Melee came from out of no where really despite the fact that it is a sequel its self the original was really just a bare bones basic game so there wasn't really all that much hype or expectation behind the release of Super Smash Bros. Melee because of that and despite what I would say that it's not quite the greatest game around it still is great fun and done something few expected and that was cram so much in the game that it can take ages to look through everything let alone play the thing, and since the original has so little to offer compared to this it's just overwhelming to see how much content actually is in the game which is really why it has gained such a devoted fan base due to the fact that there is so much to see and do and then there is the multi player mode which is just the whole point of the game. This time around however there will be no sneaking up on people, unless you are using Snake, because everyone is expecting this to be not only bigger but better than the last game, how is that possible? Well why just make claims of how it will be better? Why not just show everyone as it happens? So that's exactly what is happening which has to be a first for a game with so much expectation on its shoulders, but this is becoming a game that is its own hype because not only is it pretty much taking the amount of content from the previous game and anyone who has played that know just how much that was, but it is adding everything else you could possibly want too in order to make it better, so online battles that everyone wanted they are in there, possibly the best sound track to a game ever? Why not have that too. How about something to do with the pictures you could take on the GCN game which if anything were pointless since you really couldn't share them................. but you can now via Wi-Fi, and why not be able to make the game last pretty much forever with a level editor? Yep they got that in there too. I know why not stick characters in from non-Nintendo games............ seem to have done that too with Snake from Metal gear games and that damn blue rodent that everyone seems to have wanted in this game for ages seems these people are listening to what the fans of the last game actually want, and also putting the things in that you didn't know you wanted and making it better such as making the Adventure mode two players and who knows what else will end up in the final game but I am sure the surprises are far from over, would personally like to see Mega Man in there from Capcom since both Sega and Konami have added there own characters to this, if you aren't following the hype of this game I would suggest you do so now by going over to www.smashbros.com and start following it as it's updated every day Monday to Friday.
There are so few games that will live up to the hype these day but I can see this being one that does but only because it is helping to create more by be so well documented through the site and I can't think of any game that has had this sort of exposure as the game is being developed?
Well all I can say is if Super Smash Bros. Melee was the original game turned up x100 this is Melee x10 and really is destined to succeed and chances are go on to become the best selling Wii game in its lifespan just good to see a game that is in every way being made for the fans of the last one and adding everything that couldn't go into it due to hardware and memory constraints. So glad too that this game has been pushed back since I don't think I will have time to play all these games this year that I want or even afford them.
Anyway hope you haven't fell asleep reading all that, because I did at one typing it, only because how I feel not through boredom, since I really wanted to get all those thoughts down since it really has been ages and I actually had a lot to say, I was going to mention my disappointment over Manhunt 2 again but I am over that in a way now, Still nice to see Rockstar supporting the Wii just would like to see a Wii exclusive game from them. Now I think I am going to go and lie down for a while and maybe will get the energy to play something.