Well I have to say now the game seem dead and truly buried, at least in it's current form anyway, since both Nintendo and Sony wont allow it's release in North America, now it seem the game be quite violent, but still this has to be a first for any game to get an out right ban like this, and if anything really ads to the games hype, I have to admit it makes me want it more, but I liked the look of it and wanted to see what the Wii version would have been like control wise.
Well if anything the game is more than likely going to be put on hold because I can't see Rockstar just cancelling it, they did the same with GTA: SA, but that never got the sort of ban this has so close to release, I can imagine if anything certain parts of the game will just end up getting toned down although it depends on how much of the story would need to be changed, all pretty interesting since I suppose only Rockstar now the exact details of what was found to be really bad about and what would have to change, if it's pretty much the whole game then they would have to cancel it or it would really end any chance of it coming out any time soon.
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