Saturday... I can sleep as long as i want to. And i can be awake until sunday morning. Other days are school days, so it makes me either sleep less (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) or stay awake lesser (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday).
Game Spot has many users all over the world and yet, those users weren't just grown on tree to express like that. How did you managed to get here anyway? I'll begin how did i. I was looking for some popular gaming site on google, simple URL, many games, cheats etc. Then i See:, curios, i link to this web site, tryout couple of games, when i see many options (game collection, forums, cheats etc.)And i decided to keep it my favourite. Let me hear your story!
Zepce is a city in Bosnia, my family are all around that region, so you can match my family and me with that town, altough i live in Croatia, Kutina. And B3a5t is a little modification out of Beast, and Beast is my most used pseudonyme because i use it in Call of Duty (in alll call of duties practically) because i keep attacking and spraying, i never camp. That makes me hot dangerous.:D:)
What's the game that made you su angry and nervous that you just crashed you keyboard, mouse and monitor? I gotta admit that game was Need for Speed Underground 2 (Medium), incredible, I just get pissed off when i finish second in last lap, and i am lead all the time. But i managed to beat the game :), almost.
I am a '94 generation, so the first FPS i played was Call of Duty. After that goes, Unreal Tournament 2004, Unreal Torunament, Call of Duty United Offensive and the fifth Wolfenstein, not 3D, Return to the castle of Wolfenstein.:)
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