Aah procrastination...
by zeppelin_64 on Comments
I've put off sending in my 360 for so long, almost 2 months now I think. It E74'd in April I think and I haven't sent it in yet. But luckily, it will be sent in tomorrow. Summer's starting and I don't know what I'm gonna do. I thought about getting an electric guitar along with some lessons, but I don't know yet. I could get one cheap from a friend too. I'm gonna need a job pretty quick too. I'm gonna try and apply at EB Games (Canada's gamestop), and HMV(sells everything, DVD's, CD's, and games) and maybe some other less awesome stores in the mall. I don't really wanna work in the mall, but I tried most of the places near where I live and most of them just say they're not hiring but they're accepting resumes. I give them my resume but I just see it as a waste of paper. But anyway, wish me luck getting a job. I'm gonna need the money.