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Ninja Gaiden Diary Part 2

Chapter 3 is unique in many respects. First off, it is the only chapter that begins and ends with an FMV (besides chapter 16 which is really a conclusion more than a full-blown chapter). Second, Ryu switches costume from the traditional Ninja garb to a nice contemporary version. Third, the chapter takes place on an airship! That last one really threw me the first time I played through the game. After playing the first two chapters I really thought I was going to play through the entire game in some ancient background setting with swords and magic being the technology highpoint- this chapter changed all that! I will say that although an NG game with a complete traditional background would have been interesting Team Ninja combined these two very different settings pretty seamlessly- another testament to the quality of Itaragi’s vision.

The airship level design is very well done. I especially liked the two revolving staircases and the way they connected the bottom level to the first level and the fore cabin to the middle and aft cabin. The visuals are stunning as you traverse the cable connecting the Middle and Aft Cabins- beneath the clouds you can see distant cities and also mountain ranges (more clearly when lightning lights up the night sky briefly). Ryu collects his first scarabs in this chapter- be sure to find them as you will not be able to return to this area after the chapter ends.

The cut scene that starts Chapter 4 is a great way to showoff Ryu as the badass Ninja that he is. As Ryu lands as the edge of Tairon, a city in Vigoor, you start your adventure in yet another setting- a city. Even from the starting point you can see the clock tower dominates the skyline of Tairon and as with most things in NG, nothing is done without some deliberate focus by Team Ninja.

One of the Kunai scrolls from Ayane hints at blue marks and how they lead to items- the first time through I was completely blind missing all of the blue marks! Incidentally, the tips section in the manual also has this same hint (once again I read the manual thoroughly after I finished the game!). One tip I have here is when you use the blue railing to shimmy towards left on your way to get the Thousand Lives of Gods, always point Ryu towards the Clock Tower as you grab the cable to shimmy across the two buildings- this way, the MSAT guards that arrive don’t fire on you. Also, during this maneuver you will once again see the Clock Tower come into focus in the background- Team Ninja’s subtlety is almost lost to those that don’t pick up on these brilliant visual clues.

I guess I should say a little something about the Black Spider Ninja Clan. Te level of difficulty that this new enemy presents is manageable- where most people get frustrated is the constant incendiary shurikens that are thrown. Your best bet is to keep moving- that means wall run, bird flip, roll- do anything except stay still. Now if they close in and start using their blades use your counter techniques, they are very effective.

The FMV when you finally enter Han’s Bar is nice- you meet the well-endowed Rachel and get a first glimpse of a Fiend. After Rachel flies off in the cut scene Ryu is introduced next to Gamov. He is a peculiar fellow with unknown intentions at this time. If memory serves me correctly I think you also glimpse The Dark Disciple standing on a tower from a distance… but I could be mistaken. Personally, I thought the story in NG was decent even though I know that has been a criticism. For people that enjoy a game the quest for finding more things about the storyline makes it feel more complete- and that’s what I’ve been doing by reading websites, forums, and FAQs to ‘fill in the blanks’.

Ninja Gaiden Diary Part 1

Well the most unthinkable thing has happened! I have moved and lost my DSL connection for at least 6 weeks- my consolation prize in the meantime is a crappy dial up connection. There is only one thing good about this- I will be able to return to single player gaming which includes Ninja Gaiden on Very Hard! Over the coming weeks I will add journal entries to this diary basically giving my personal impressions of the game and also random tips on select locations which I found especially challenging. Please note this Journal is full of spoilers so read at your caution!

WOW! This game is as breathtakingly gorgeous as I remember it over 9 months ago! Some friends have told me that Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is the best looking game on Xbox but I'm not sure how any game can really compare to Ninja Gaiden. The opening chapter of NG is awesome... humble beginnings to say the least but the immersion factor of the environment is so great that it immediately pulls you in. The outside scenes are beautifully rendered- my favorite being the outdoor inclining walkway connecting the Ninja Fortress and the Inner Sanctum or the outside walkway that connects the Underground Warehouse with the Ninja Fortress. The backdrop of fall colors is done flawlessly an the intermittent leaves that fall are a great touch.

Chapters 1 and 2 require you to master one of the most fundamental techniques in the game- the roll (L trigger + thumbstick). Without the benefits of the counter scroll that you obtain after defeating the Samurai Horse-lord at the end of Chapter 2, this technique is essential to beating the time attacks and staying out of trouble. The Ninja room in Chapter 1 is 10x harder without using it and indeed the Murai battle is nearly impossible.

Chapter 2 introduces you to Ninpo. I will be man enough to admit it here- the first time I played through the game I didn't even realize Ryu had a magic capability. It was only until I gained my first spirit devil in Chapter 4 that my incredible observation skills picked up the subtle burning orb underneath my health meter! (You can assume I didn't read the manual either!) Anyways, Ninpo is a powerful addition to Ryu's array of moves- from the introductory Fire of Wheels which showcases Ninpo's power, to ever increasing powerful magic controlling fire, electricity, and ice. I must say though that ever since I read the Karma FAQ by aaxe I have used Ninpo more reluctantly because of the big hit in Ninpo related karma at the end of a chapter.

The most defining moment in Chapter 2 for me is when Ryu first enters the Hayabusa Village- the music changes into a very somber tone. It captures the moment perfectly as Ryu discovers his fallen Ninja clansmen. Finally, the cracked stone and the circle of stones foreshadow the return you will make later in the game. One last note is that you can make use of Ryu's water-walking ability near the waterfall. I thought it was a very cool move even though it has little real purpose beyond Chapter 2.