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zero_simoleans Blog

Christmas is in the Bag...

finally found a wii for my significant other. I've been looking for one for a while now, but like many of the unlucky blokes who can only read reviews and dream, I had no luck. But my good friend who conveniently works at a local game shop informed me that a couple of wiis (three) would be coming in. I rushed over there in the morning before work, and nabbed one. I also bought twilight princess, a classic controller, and a $20 wii point card. It's now sitting under the tree, taunting me. Begging to be let out and played...

Ahh... What we do for love...

The Triumphant Return of Beakman's World

That's right, boys and girls, a staple of educational television from the 90's has come back from the dead, with fury!!

I remember watching beakman back in my teens because, honestly, I had nothing better to do. But those hours of seemingly unproductive activity did pay off. I learned that if you fold a piece of paper nine times, you can't rip it. And that... er...

Anyway, I saw this on FOX11 (my local FOX station) on saturday, and all the great memories came flooding back...

Now, if you excuse me, I want to see if my neon sweaters still fit me.


I've been trying to figure out what "Gamer Class" I fall under...

I obtain a game, play it for 15-30 hours, become bored, and never play it again....

I don't even bother beating it...

Heck, I haven't beaten most of the games I own...

here, I'll list the games I have beaten (it's faster this way...)

Paper Mario, Paper Mario: TTYD, LoZ:LttP, Resident Evil 2, Fable, Super Mario Bros. 2, Yoshi's Island, Mario Kart, Banjo Kazooie, Medal of Honor, Golden Sun, Robotrek, some Super Famicon Prince of Persia game, and another two game's whose names I cannot recall...

that's less than a quarter of my game collection....

a lot less...

I don't even think I've beaten my Atari 2600 games...

Would I be a hardcore casual?

or maybe, short attention span gamer...

yeah, that's it...

Damn Sony...

Oh my god....

Sony's new system has been held as the first true HD video game system. They've teased us with the idea of being able to view both games and movies in full 1080p glory. Hell, I was thinking about taking a plunge and buying a 1080p capable TV...

Until I found out "cables are not included"....

What kind of bull**** is that?!

Sony's most toted feature will cost me extra?!

Didn't they say "True HD out of the box"?!

I guess they will provide it, we just can't access it...

Anylizing the Video Game Industry

I just finished reading the article on Miyamoto's interview, and that got me thinking, what's Sony's approach to games?

Microsoft is a computer based company. They've been developing computer games for a long time. Since online gaming was born on th PC (I think it was... Though the online service for the SNES comes to mind, but that was a japan exclusive. whatever the case, it was refined on the PC) Microsoft had a lot of time to figure out what went into a successful online community. So now, their main selling point is just that, join an online community and play games with your buddies (or complete strangers) even if they live in Canada (I live in So. California, Canada is far away for me).

Nintendo has been in the business for a long time; so they know how to spot trends, they know what sells, and they know how to market video games. They've been making handhelds for a while now, too (that's why the DS was successful, they know how to make a fun portable, and they already have the knowledge of what has to go into said portable(a 3-hour game of Lumines, anyone?)). So, Nintendo's handle is both on the go gaming, and "back to your roots" gaming-that is, a return to when gaming was no-frills fun.

So I got Nintendo's and Microsoft's philosophy, what's Sony's?

God Bless Wikipedia...

Leave it to wikipedia to explain stuff better than anyone else!

some guy recommended some other guy this site to learn about the different RAID levels

they do a pretty good goob of describing RAID 0 and 1, but fall short when it comes to RAID 10...

well, I trucked on over to wikipedia, did a search, and found this:

I especially dig the

it explains it perfectly!

thanks again, wikipedia!!

now I just need a tutorial on how to do a RAID 10 setup....

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